Peri Skydeck Panels

Package ID: FD-USP-0000-0094

Peri Skydeck is a versatile system suitable for projects ranging from residential buildings to industrial constructions with thicker slabs. Equipped with a comprehensive array of accessories, it meets the high safety standards of all markets.

Listed price reflects the quality and comprehensive nature of our formwork package. We value open communication and are always ready to discuss bespoke pricing solutions to meet your specific project needs. Feel free to get in touch to explore how we can tailor a deal that suits your budget.

Package Contents

Below is a full breakdown of what this package comprises of. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team.
Product NameQuantity
SKYDECK Panel 1500mm x 750mm SDP (061000)4800
Interested in specific items from our bundle? We're flexible. Get in touch to discuss how we can customise the package to include just what you need.

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